

Clothing Fair '08 - Treasure Box

These "steampunk" styled boxes were hidden throughout the fair for people to find, with free items inside.

Dakota's Chapel

This chapel, available in many themed texture sets, was created for Dakota Christensen's Mythical Serenity Weddings.

Reception Gazebo

This gazebo was originally created for the Merovingi Group's Majestic Isle, a wedding & honeymoon resort.

Clothing Fair '08 - Walkway

One of the shop-lined walkways from the Relay for Life Clothing Fair of 2008.

Clothing Fair '08 - Survivors

The survivor walk from the 2008 Relay for Life Clothing Fair. The sides were lined with roses, and pictures of some of SL's cancer survivors.

Clothing Fair '08 - Skyline

A view of the 2008 Relay for Life Clothing Fair, with the survivor walk and live entertainment stage in view.

Clothing Fair '08 - Pond

A pond landscape from the 2008 Relay for Life Clothing Fair, with an ad for the treasure hunt in the foreground.

Clothing Fair '08 - Memorial

The memorial garden from the 2008 Relay for Life Clothing Rair. The memorial featured pictures, poems, and other items in rememberance of those who have lost their lives to cancer.

Clothing Fair '08 - Stage Area

A view of the stage area from the 2008 Relay for Life Clothing Fair. This year's fair was sponsored by Rezzable, who let their "greenies" aliens run free during the event.

Clothing Fair '07 - Awards

Awesome Designs and De Fleur Designs both recieved awards for best overall & new designers, respectively, during the 2007 Clothing Fair.

Clothing Fair '07 - Awards

The awards for the 2007 Clothing Fair were presented by JamesT Juno of SL-Newspaper, Sebastian Oxide of Merovingi Group, Nevar Lobo, & Pips Fetid.

Clothing Fair '07 - Survivor Wall

The predecessor to the Survivor Walk, the Survivor Wall was the first to feature pictures donated by SL's cancer survivors, of both the survivors, and family of SL members who live with the disease.

Clothing Fair '07 - Landing Point

The theme for the 2007 Clothing Fair was Heave & Hell. The landing point for the Heaven side featured the survivor wall, while the landing point for 'Hell featured information on cancer, and vendors with all proceeds going to Relay for Life.